Lattanzio KIBS returns the results of the independent evaluation at the dissemination event on the second catalogue of "Good Practices" within the evaluation of the 2014-2022 Tuscany RDP

The success of the evaluation

The Region of Tuscany organised the dissemination event Second Catalogue of Good Practices in order to return the results of the direct surveys in the framework of the evaluation of the RDP 2014-2022. 

Lattanzio KIBS, as an independent evaluator of the Programme, outlined the key elements of the Good Practices evaluation method, presented 5 Good Practices - among the 40 included in the Catalogue - and shared the main conclusions and recommendations.

Prerequisites for future Good Practices

In the presence of a large audience, including regional staff, National Rural Network, LAGs and other public-private institutional stakeholders, the meeting was also an opportunity to address the work done in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability, effectiveness, innovation, relevance and reproducibility, integration and cooperation. The results achieved in terms of evaluation capacity building of the administration thanks to the path taken together during the service assignment were highlighted. 

Lastly, the Lattanzio KIBS evaluation highlighted and selected a series of Good Practices for the near future, including the identification and promotion of virtuous projects to increase the effectiveness of rural development policies, with a view to the realisation of a Third Catalogue, for evaluation improvement. 

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