Among the Strongest Entities in Italy for Expertise in Information and Communication Services for the PA
We support PA in communication strategies for complex projects and listening to the citizenship, give voice to Programs at the community and international level, design visibility campaigns, and provide services in strategic planning and territorial enhancement, digital communication, event management, taking care of concepts, visuals and communication of results.
Communication does not always start from a need to promote, publicise or disseminate. It can also be the result of a reverse process, and be the response to a widespread need for knowledge, information, participation. The main objective of institutional communication by public administrations is to address a public interest: that of citizens to be informed about the policies and opportunities in their area, to be able to dialogue with administrations and receive concrete answers.
Lattanzio KIBS guides public administrations in planning and managing citizen communication activities and services to enhance virtuous governance systems and support listening processes.
Carrying out communication projects on interventions co-financed by European funds means moving along a well-defined path traced by national and European legislators.
Lattanzio KIBS is able with developments in public communication at the EU level, contributes to the definition of monitoring indicators for performance evaluation and can mobilize high-level contacts in Italy and abroad in the realization of dissemination activities that require broad involvement and interaction between institutions.
The challenge is to assist Managing Authorities in defining communication strategies and plans that integrate actions aimed at beneficiaries, citizens and the media, with an eye to open information sharing.
Proposing strategies for communicating projects and promoting their results means enhancing communication and its impact, directing choices towards value-added solutions.
Lattanzio KIBS supports PA in the visibility of complex projects, knowing how to combine the needs of merit with the vision and experience acquired over the years. Experience that has contributed to bringing PA closer to people, dynamic and modern.
From tourism to culture, from local production to entrepreneurial excellence. Photographing territories, focusing on their strengths, to improve their positioning.
Lattanzio KIBS accompanies companies, or entire production areas, through paths of approach to new markets, focusing on the enhancement of national excellence and the study of investment and promotion opportunities abroad.
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Knowledge of Public Communication Developments, Ability to Combine Analytical Skills and Strategic Vision
At international level, Lattanzio KIBS carries out assignments in the field of institutional and EU funds communication, event management and internationalization missions for more than 70 foreign administrations, including ETF - European Training Fundation, UFM - Union for the Mediterranean, European Commission and EU Delegations.
Over the years we have held more than 100 events on all four continents, consolidating our relational network with public bodies, companies, buyers. We have been responsible for organizing different types of events, from conferences to technical meetings, involving public figures, industry experts, international guests.