Lattanzio KIBS together with FIERI for a study on the socio-economic situation of beneficiaries of international and temporary protection in Italy on behalf of UNHCR
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) launches a study aimed at gaining knowledge of the poverty levels and socio-economic integration processes of foreign citizens residing in Italy after having received specific forms of asylum and protection. The research stems from the need to have reliable and representative data on the situation of some specific categories of migrants residing in Italy.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS collaborated with the International and European Forum for Research on Immigration (FIERI) to conduct a nationwide study on the socio-economic situation of beneficiaries of international and temporary protection (BITPs) in Italy on behalf of UNHCR.
The research activity crossed quantitative and qualitative methods, collecting as many as 1,200 interviews with BITPs focusing on various issues, including education, family, employment, poverty level, vulnerability, coping strategies and integration. The research protocol provides for a broad coverage in terms of both places of residence (North, Central South, urban and rural areas) and countries of origin, in order to capture in detail the multiple aspects of the phenomenon.
The results are then complemented by an analysis of existing literature and the conduct of focus groups and interviews with key informants (leaders of relevant institutions at national and local level, representatives from civil society and migrant communities, experts in the field).
The interpretation of the collected results concludes the research activity, with the ultimate aim of providing also quantitative data on the poverty levels of the surveyed categories.
Project Impact
BITPs, protected by specific Conventions and agreements at international and European level, are a category of migrants with specific characteristics and vulnerabilities resulting from a path of forced migration, often due to fleeing situations of persecution, war and widespread human rights violations.
The data collected by the Lattanzio KIBS study, focused on the socio-economic situation of BITPs and the challenges they face in relation to economic inclusion and decent work, are crucial to define advocacy and policy actions that can make the delicate integration process of this vulnerable category of migrants more effective.
The Project
Beneficiaries of international and temporary protection (BITP)Country
Human Rights
Work Areas
Fragility and Crisis Management