Lattanzio KIBS wins training for staff of the European Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations and its implementing partners

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) is responsible for developing and implementing the Commission's humanitarian aid and civil protection policies, with the aim of preserving lives, preventing and alleviating human suffering and safeguarding populations affected by natural hazards and man-made crises 

More details 

Lattanzio KIBS provides training services to improve the understanding and compliance of DG ECHO's rules, procedures and policies by implementing partners, internal staff and relevant personnel from Member State administrations. Specifically, Lattanzio KIBS provides e-learning courses and the ongoing maintenance of website content with up-to-date information and documentation.

Project Impact 

Lattanzio KIBS' intervention contributes to the understanding of the partnership's administrative and management procedures, policies and best practices of DG ECHO in the implementation of humanitarian aid projects.
Thanks to the expertise gained in training young volunteers, the objective of the consultancy is to achieve a high level of performance for greater efficiency, effectiveness and compliance in the delivery and support of humanitarian aid.