From July to September, there have been activities to foster the exchange of best practices for sustainability in the South-West Oltenia Regional Consortium

Eselnita: strategic capability and case studies 

From 17 to 19 July, the Partnership for Strategic Planning in Education and Training workshop took place in Eselnita, Romania. The objective of the workshop, which focused on learning by doing activities, was to increase the capacity to update strategic planning documents for vocational education and training.

Three case studies were presented, referring to as many successful Italian realities: IFTS - Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore, Fondimpresa and Consorzio Friuli Formazione. The seminar was held in front of an audience of local economic development actors, representatives of the employment and social inclusion sectors, as well as social partners and civil society organisations from Romania.

Sinaia: Best Practices of Regional Consortia and Study Tours 

In Sinaia, from 24 to 26 August, an interregional experience exchange event was organised under the title Increasing the importance of vocational and technical training through the involvement of the consultative structures for vocational education and training. The experience and dissemination of good practices from the activities of the Regional Consortia of the two development regions of Romania (South-West and South) were also shared, as well as the results of study tours to Spain and England, in which the members of the South-West Region RC participated.

Alba Iulia: labour analysis and economic trends

From 13 to 15 September, an exchange of experience on IPT strategic planning methods and tools took place in Alba Iulia in, Transylvania, which was attended by five representatives of all regional education and training consortia from Romania. Topics such as the knowledge society and topics such as labour reform, Europe 2020 and its impact on European cooperation in education and training were discussed. Central was the analysis of the impact of the recession on the world of work, as well as the growth trends of certain sectors of the economy. Furthermore, the mechanism proposed by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) was highlighted, as well as the dissemination of statistical information and forecasts on the evolution of labour supply and demand in Italy and Romania.

Future Developments 

As far as the next steps are concerned, the development of a medium and long-term action plan to ensure the sustainability of the Regional Consortium for Vocational Education and Training will begin this month. Subsequently, a workshop will be held at the end of November, in which the members of the regional consortium will participate and then be responsible for developing an action plan based on the information and best practices learnt during the workshop.

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