Awarded to Lattanzio KIBS the "Next Generation You" contract by Fondazione Compagnia San Paolo
1 training project, 2 development phases
Fondazione Collegio Universitario Einaudi entrusts Lattanzio KIBS with the Organizational Assessment and Development Plan initiative of the "Next Generation You" call for proposals funded by the Compagnia San Paolo Foundation.
The project's development phases include:
- Analysis/assessment activities, formalisation of results, support in the preparation of the Development Plan
- Development of the informal learning model "Learning Community", to be integrated with the institution's training offer, development of professional and organisational skills to manage the model, support in communicating the new model
Lattanzio KIBS, its design approach
Lattanzio KIBS adopts an integrated system of analysis on primary and secondary data and encourages discussion with the entity to promote the optimal strategy for developing performance and organizational potential.
Key elements:
- Innovative point of view for a correct and in-depth analysis
- Ability to listen to and connect with stakeholders (e.g. design thinking; participatory design)
- Scientific and methodological rigour in defining and implementing methods and tools for organisational assessment and development
- Timeliness and guarantee of results, in terms of ROI (return on investment)
- Large working group with vertical and transversal knowledge
- Adoption of appropriate data and information processing models
Added value for the Third Sector
- Strategy and positioning with respect to reference contexts, to identify development opportunities and outline priority strategic actions
- Organisational analysis, to adopt efficient structures capable of maximising the productivity of individual resources and increasing organisational effectiveness as a whole
- Economic-financial sustainability, to manage and maintain economic-financial balance within an organisation and ensure its growth
- Diversification of funding sources, to maximise the effectiveness of public policies
- Marketing, communication and sales in a broader sense, to promote the brand reputation of an organisation's product and process through an analytical, production and evaluation and updating phase
- Operations, for quality control, governance and risk management systems
- People management and development, as a strategic lever for the growth of professional and organisational skills
Read also: Digital skills training for PA
Topics Training | Education & Social Policies | Vocational training | Learning | Development