Promoting skills development

Lattanzio KIBS is among the most accredited players in the management and delivery of training programs, technical assistance and evaluation of Programs aimed at improving employability rates and the quality of services supporting employment. Occupation and labor market, vocational training and education, these are the areas of activity in which it works alongside the most important national and international organizations.

Work Areas

Our Expertise

In Italy, Lattanzio KIBS has been involved in the reorganization of employment centers, technical assistance and evaluation of the European Social Fund and is among the leading players, also internationally, in educational design and computerization of courses. Among our flagship projects is TRIO, the free-access e-learning platform of the Tuscany Region, with 100,000 users and 900 courses in its catalog, for which we also take care of its promotion and communication. 

Abroad, we work on behalf of major international institutions including the European Commission, ETF European Training Foundation, Centre National d'enseignement à distance (CNED France), African Development Bank, Word Bank, UNESCO for which we carry out training, evaluation, technical assistance and communication projects. 

Learn more about Education & Social Policy