The communication of 'Mettiamoci in RIGA'
Lattanzio KIBS is part of the grouping that, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and Sogesid SpA, curates the 'METTIAMOCI IN RIGA' project. The Project, part of the ERDF-funded NOP 'Governance and Institutional Capacity' 2014-2020, aims to promote the dissemination of tools and methodologies to improve multi-level governance in environmental matters, leveraging clear and timely forms of cooperation.
In detail
The activities carried out under the Project consist of:
- secretarial, logistical, organizational, catering and hospitality services;
- services of editing and production of information, dissemination and communication materials and products;
- provision and support for the use of technological infrastructure and live streaming.
Project Pluses
The Project, by involving the creation of processes integrating several sectoral skills, themes and tools with each other, will strengthen the administrative and technical capacities of the staff involved.
Read the news about it
The Project
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Nucleare | Sogesid SpACountry
Public Administration Reform & Governance
Work Areas
Administrative SemplificationServices