Lattanzio KIBS supports Marche Region for greater development of the agricultural-forestry sector within the Rural Development Programme

Through the Rural Development Programme (RDP), the Marche Region supports and finances interventions in the agricultural and forestry sector in order to enhance the development of rural areas. The Programme is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in addition to national and regional funding.

More details

The project sees Lattanzio KIBS as the evaluator of the Marche RDP with the main objective of providing the Managing Authority with all the information and tools necessary for the proper coordination of the entire Programme.

In particular, the project activities aim to

  • assess the achievement of the objectives set in the programming phase and the correlation between these objectives and the needs identified by policy-makers and other stakeholders
  • develop an efficient organisational method and an effective implementation procedure for the overall management of the Programme
  • ensure the widest possible involvement of all stakeholders
  • identify success factors, best practices, critical issues and solution proposals

Project impact

The evaluation activity helped to identify the Programme's areas of success and enabled the Managing Authority to make targeted decisions with a view to sustainable rural development and a better territorial and environmental balance, for a more competitive territory.