Lattanzio KIBS launches the Smart Manufacturing 2020 project funded by MIUR through the PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 for the development and enhancement of National Technology Clusters
The background of the project
According to the Istat Report on the Competitiveness of ProductionSectors in the period April 2011-November 2013, Italy lost 10% of its industrial production index. In the face of this data, the same Report indicated that investment in innovative activities and human capital is fundamental as competitive levers for companies.
Training and ICT for the recovery of productive districts
The aim of the project is to revitalise Italian manufacturing production through the recovery of production clusters, creating a single cluster on some of the strategic scientific-technological areas for the growth of the country's competitiveness.
Smart Manufacturing 2020 envisages the use of the most innovative ICT technologies for the development of so-called smart factories by training experts, researchers, designers and managers in the design of systems that will enable the efficient use of factories and resources in the future.
The SMILE learning project
Lattanzio KIBS will focus on the design and implementation of the SMILE (Smart Manufacturing Interactive Learning Environment) learning platform, based on the exact Learning Solutions system.
Topics Training | Learning | Private sector development | SMEs Development | PON | MIUR