A major training event organized by Lattanzio KIBS for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia on public procurement.
A highly interesting thematic area
Specialized training in public procurement has attracted broad participation from the Local Authorities of Sardinia. The first day of the course saw the participation of 300 people.
The training services provided by Lattanzio KIBS, in partnership with EasyGov Solutions, fall within the framework of interventions related to the ESF 2014-2020 - Axis IV.
The training programs
In addition to specialized training in public procurement, Lattanzio KIBS supports the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in training programs that cover the following 3 areas:
- Programming and management of Structural Funds and ROP
- Accounting harmonization in local authorities as required by Legislative Decree 118/2011 and subsequent amendments, from financial accounting to economic accounting
- Personnel management, transparency, access, privacy, and anti-corruption in local authorities
Participatory communication initiatives
Training, but not only that. Within the framework of the tender, Lattanzio KIBS also takes charge of participatory communication initiatives - to be carried out both in-person and digitally - which already have a high number of registrations: over 500 participants for the thematic webinar scheduled for June 9th and nearly 300 for the date of June 28th, 2023.
These initiatives aim to strengthen the management capacity of local authorities, improve levels of knowledge, efficiency, and professional competence, as well as encourage the promotion and establishment of professional collaboration networks among local authorities.
Learn more about the project: Sardinia Region organizes training events - Lattanzio KIBS