Lattanzio KIBS trains Spanish Scientific Research Council on European Union's PPI4MED initiative

E-learning content on Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)

Lattanzio KIBS has been awarded the contract by the Spanish National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) to deliver training services as part of the European project PPI4MED (Public Procurement of Innovation for the Mediterranean), funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program, which promotes innovation in Public Procurement in countries around the Mediterranean basin.

Coordinated by the largest public research institution in Spain and the third largest in Europe, in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Lattanzio KIBS participates in the e-training action consisting of three sessions on the basic knowledge of the PPI4MED project. The training is preparatory to the online course aimed at 30 participants from the public sector, private sector, and research institutions.

Project Activities

In particular, Lattanzio KIBS is responsible for researching and selecting an expert in the legal, financial, and judicial areas, specialized in Public Procurement of Innovation in Italy and Europe; as well as providing technical support during the training, both to the institution and to the expert identified for training.


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