At the Petruzzelli Theatre the 'Tech by Her' event launched by Huawei with the sponsorship of the University of Bari and Confindustria Bari e BAT
Digital Gender Gap in Southern Italy, the event
The event for the presentation of the research results and the screening of the documentary film Tech by Her promoted by Huawei Italy was held in Bari. The subject of the research and the docu-film was a theme very dear to the world's ICT leader: models of technological revolution in Southern Italy, for greater participation of women in the digital economy.
During the event, an award was presented by Huawei CSR Manager Fabi Saad to Lattanzio KIBS and other companies in Puglia and Basilicata for obtaining the Gender Equality Certification.
Lattanzio KIBS' commitment to the professional development of women
'We have been working alongside UN Women as evaluators of the strategic approach behind humanitarian policies and programmes to mainstream gender equality and women's empowerment. Our team in Bari has created e-learning courses that UN Women has disseminated worldwide to train staff,' said Elisabetta Artioli, Partner Lattanzio KIBS, during the award ceremony. 'In Italy, right now we are engaged in supporting the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on gender mainstreaming assessment methods and tools to strengthen administrative capacity and governance in development policies from a gender perspective,' she added.
Since 2017, Lattanzio KIBS has been among the signatories of the WEPs Charter established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. She actively participates in the work of the Leadership al Femminile sector as part of Confindustria Assoconsult. By virtue of its commitment to gender equality and women empowerment, in 2019 it initiated the first Observatory on Women and the World of Work "al femminile" by promoting the significant mentorship project aimed at the women leaders of tomorrow CEO Factory, with the first-hand involvement of Ezio Lattanzio.
You may also be interested: Second Observatory on Women and the World of Work
Topics Events | Digital | Gender equality | Women Empowerment