The Online Talks are part of the award activities for the EuropeAid- Research, Network & Support Facility 2015-2018 project

Webinars and the EuropeAid project.

Lattanzio KIBS launches webinar series on informal economy and its development.

The goal of the meetings is knowledge sharing in the field, with networking among stakeholders.

The activity is linked to the --EuropeAid project, which aims to improve conditions for those dependent on the informal economy

The topics covered by the virtual initiative.

Talks provide participants with an understanding of the phenomenon of the informal economy by defining key concepts and issues. They also illustrate the characteristics of employment in the informal economy and the contribution of these activities to GDP in various regions of the world.
The first event is scheduled for June 22, 2018.acility project. 2015-2018. Lattanzio KIBS collaborate on the results dissemination plan and animation of a community of practice.

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