Lattanzio KIBS measures the performance of interventions by the Sustainable Growth Fund in support of Collaborative Research

Collaborative research to stimulate the Italian industry

In this initial phase, Lattanzio KIBS is engaged in desk analysis activities regarding the definition of Collaborative Research.

Within the framework of technical support activities for the Ministry of Economic Development, the evaluation project for Invitalia on the role of Research in the Italian industrial system is progressing.

Alongside institutions for economic growth

In the scenario of the Italian innovation system, the low level of collaborative activities among businesses throughout the national territory stands out. For this reason, the evaluation of Collaborative Research is a central theme for the economic growth of the Italian industrial system.

Among the projects supporting the innovative capacity of businesses and economic development, Lattanzio KIBS has concluded its support for the competitiveness program of small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan.

Read more: Evaluation of PON IC within the 2014-2020 programming framework