Lattanzio Learning has developed in cooperation with the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) and the College of Europe (CoE) a special catalogue on strategic issues concerning European governance
Course Organisation
The catalogue consists of 29 self-study multimedia courses in English, delivered either individually or as a package, covering the most important aspects of the European Union.
The multimedia courses are modulated on a very high level of content thanks to the contribution of some of the most accredited lecturers on the subject. They provide comprehensive subject knowledge through a user-friendly approach, self-assessment tests and in-depth material.
They are structured to meet the different needs of the target audience through an innovative combination of formal and informal learning and the use of text, images and animations.
Catalogue integration and adaptability
Thanks to the advanced functionalities of the eXact learning LCMS platform, the catalogue can be dynamically integrated with any third-party LMS system and customised for each recipient: from interface re-skinning to additional language, from content adaptation to new topics.
The special e-Learning catalogue on European Governance, already available to all EU staff, is now available online on the global marketplace as a key lifelong learning tool.
Topics Education & Social Policies | Vocational training | Learning | Digital | E-learning