Lattanzio KIBS is awarded the ‘Support to the Public Administration Reform’ project sponsored by EuropeAid for the Kosovo Ministry of PA.

Collaboration to simplify administrative procedures kicks off

"To support the Kosovar PA in the modernization process," underlines Filippo Chesi, "we will make available our expertise gained in the field of public administration reforms at the national and international level, facilitating the removal of administrative barriers and reducing costs and time to access public services. An important step toward integration at the European level."  

the purpose of the project

The program includes the development of a strategic approach to simplify administrative procedures and adopt specific guidelines for public service delivery under the General Law on Administrative Procedures (LGAP) adopted in 2015 in Kosovo.

The project is in line with the Strategy for the Modernization of Public Administration 2015-2020 to improve the PA's efficiency, transparency and accountability to citizens and businesses.