Lattanzio KIBS to review the work of the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights Institution

Measuring relevance, effectiveness and impact

Lattanzio KIBS was awarded the evaluation project for the Council of Europe to assess and monitor the activities and initiatives of the Commissioner's Institution to ensure respect for and promotion of human rights. The evaluation covers the period between 2017 and 2023, thus including the mandates of two Commissioners.
Specifically, the evaluation activities include: desk research of documents from the Council of Europe and other institutions such as OSCEOECD, UN; online surveys for internal staff and external stakeholders; interviews with key representatives of selected stakeholders.

Protecting fundamental rights

Lattanzio's KIBS assignment entails analysing policies, reports and actions undertaken by the institution in order to identify possible human rights violations and provide recommendations to improve the human rights situation in Europe, a highly responsible role in the protection of fundamental rights on the European continent.

See the project