Lattanzio KIBS is awarded the services of analysis, research and methodological development for the integration of the gender perspective within the EU programming for the implementation of the 'MES' project

Equal opportunities, a transversal principle of the Programmes

Lattanzio KIBS was awarded the contract for the Methods and Evaluation Tools for Gender Mainstreaming (MES) project of the Department for Equal Opportunities (DPO) financed by PON Governance.

The assignment aims to strengthen the capacity of the administrations involved in the management of EU funds "in terms of equal gender opportunities by consolidating the national oversight on gender mainstreaming in development policies". 

Analysis, Research and Development Services 

Within the project, the analysis, research and methodological development services enable the Department to

  • accumulate evaluative knowledge to carry out some context analyses
  • develop evaluation tools
  • identify good national and European practices
  • carry out pilot evaluations
  • disseminate this knowledge to those responsible for EU co-financed structural programmes and National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) interventions

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