The event organised by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights took place
A meeting to stimulate dialogue on human rights
Lattanzio KIBS, representing Ireland, took part in the FRANET event organised by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights at its headquarters in Vienna.
The purpose of the meeting was to promote dialogue between the FRANET network and the Agency, to verify the state of human rights in all partner states, and to describe the activities of the Operational Unit and the Resource Centre.
The FRANET network in the data collection project
The meeting is part of the ongoing project on data collection and research involving the FRANET network. The latter consists of each EU Member State and the countries Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.
As part of this project, Lattanzio KIBS is working on data collection on Islamophobia and child protection in Ireland.
Topics Events | Monitoring & Evaluation | Human Rights | Children Rights | EU