Lattanzio KIBS maps and analyses national human rights structures in the EU for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

For a wider network of rights assurance

Within the framework service contract ‘FRANET - Data Collection and Research Services on Fundamental Rights Issues’, the main objective of the contract award is the collection of data and information relevant for the drafting of the ‘Mapping and Analysis of National Human Rights Structures in the EU (2023)’.

The intervention consists of mapping existing national structures and mechanisms Ireland and their interactions between EU Member States (and in FRA observer countries), with a focus on their levels of cooperation. It is important to identify a network of actors at national and sub-national levels for the protection of fundamental rights in the EU, so that FRANET and its partners can identify promising regional and local practices for transnational learning.

Find out more: The research and data collection activities on fundamental rights in Ireland - Lattanzio KIBS