Lattanzio KIBS presents the results of the study conducted on young residents of Latina. What needs, what solutions?
The research, conduction and details
The Lazio Municipality entrusted Lattanzio KIBS, in partnership with Cooperiamo insieme, with an action-research service on the needs of young residents of Latina. Activities range from needs analysis to the implementation of solutions targeted on their specific needs.
The results of the research were presented on Feb. 21 with a report entitled, "Dreams and Needs." The study involved young people in the city of Latina to explore their opinions on issues related to self-actualization, their relationship with the city of Latina and the Informagiovani counter service.
Economy and the future, the main fears of young people
The main outcomes include a lack of confidence in the current economic situation and concern for the near future. In this regard, the mayor of the municipality of Latina responds as follows: "The priority is to give opportunities to the world of youth, and we administrators have the duty to encourage and enhance all those tools that lead the country to invest in young people."
Read more on the "Sogni e Bisogni" research