Lattanzio KIBS was awarded, in partnership with Piazza Copernico S.r.l. and Media Engineering S.r.l., the implementation of the digital training content delivery service for Trenitalia's staff training

A project that opens up to the new frontiers of digital learning

The 24-month project involves a blended learning mode that is open to the latest trends in digital learnig. More traditional in-person training techniques are combined with more innovative ones such as Gaming and Augmented Reality. 

A diverse target audience and a challenging project

Totally challenging goal for the company because of the breadth of the target audience, the varied professions involved, and the different approach to digital of familiarity with digital tools. Given the width of the target audience (about 27,000 employees, 85 percent of whom are employed in the production processes of the rail service), the multiplicity of professions involved, and the considerable level of familiarity with digital tools.

Read also: Innovative training services for Poste Italiane S.p.A.