The project within the Human Resources Development Sector Operational Program 2007 - 2013
The Beneficiaries of the project
The Project, in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency - South West Oltenia, the University of Craiova, the Petrol-Gaze University of Ploiesti and some professionals of the Friuli Formazione Consortium, is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Resources Development Sector Operational Programme 2007 - 2013.
The direct beneficiaries of the project include members of the Regional Consortium and relevant regional government bodies involved in the strategic planning of the education and training system, social partners of the system spread across the territory, and members of the other seven Romanian Regional Consortia.
Indirect beneficiaries are, on the other hand, all government institutions, authorities and social partner organisations involved in the public consultation process initiated by the project, divided into conferences and working groups.
The goals
- Improve the coherence of the training offer of the pre-university system (in the field of technical and vocational education and training), and policies aimed at raising employment above demand in the world of work, in line with social and economic cohesion in the area of reference.
- Develop as many new international and inter-regional partnerships as possible in the process of designing the training offer.
- Increasingly participate in the development of the Vocational education and training (VET) pre-university and higher education system.
- Strengthen human resources development capacities.
- Enhance multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation between institutions and authorities in strategic planning.
The Operational tools
- Learning by doing training activities
- Exchange experiences with similar facilities within the borders of the Country and the European Community
- Development of workshop management, public consultation and participatory management.
The project foresees that the group of direct beneficiaries will participate in a total of four international study visits, which will be a fundamental contribution to the development of guidelines for the consolidation of inter-institutional partnerships in the field of regional education and training, as well as the development of partnerships between the partner structures of the education system in Romania and other EU countries.
Future planned activities
- Evaluation of training events and inclusion of results in the partnership development guide of regional vocational education and training institutions.
- Seminar Role of strategic planning documents for vocational education and training in regional and local development.
- Exchange of experiences through interregional cooperation with the partner region Petrol-Gaze University in Ploiesti.
- Consolidation of the RC through the development of working methods to expand the activities of the social partners in the field of vocational education and training, improving the organisational and operational regulations of the RC and defining future roles and responsibilities.
Read also: Conference 'Reorganisation of Work Processes Optimisation of UGG Resources Calabria Region'
Topics Training | Education & Social Policies | Vocational training | Advisory | Romania | Education | Partnership