Lattanzio KIBS supports Veneto Region in communicating results and new perspectives
Lattanzio KIBS wins communication of results for EMFF programming (2014-2020) and the opportunities offered by the new EMFAF programming (2021-2027) for Veneto Region.
The European Maritime Policy, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF) is one of the five European Structural and Investment Funds (EIS funds). Specifically, FEAMPA aims to support innovative projects that contribute to the sustainable use and management of aquatic and maritime resources, from fisheries and aquaculture, guaranteeing healthy and nutritious food, to the inclusive development of fisheries-dependent communities and maritime policies that generate investment and growth.
Our communication services
Lattanzio KIBS' communication project for the Veneto Region encompasses multiple activities: from communication design to the coordination and monitoring of planned activities, through website management and multimedia production, to organizing events.
Learn more about our communication services: Communication - Lattanzio KIBS
Topics Communication | Sustainability | Agriculture/ | Forestry & Fishery | EMFAF | Communication plan