Italian best practices at the center of the study visit sponsored by Lattanzio KIBS on communication strategies for Croatia
Information and best practice
A study visit organized by Lattanzio KIBS on communication for the Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds was held in Rome on February 22 and 23, 2017 as part of the technical assistance project for information activities on EU Funds in Croatia.
The meeting provided an opportunity to share communication strategies on European Structural Funds adopted in Italy during the previous programming period, as well as to present best practices implemented at the national and regional levels.
Deepening strategies
A busy agenda for the delegation, consisting of four communication experts from the Ministry of Regional Development and European Funds and a spokesperson from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
The meetings, which were held at the Ministry of Labor and Tecnostructure, were a time for an in-depth discussion of the information and communication activities of EU funds, with reference to the methods of interregional coordination and liaison and the setting of the communication strategy in compliance with the regulatory framework of reference.
Lattanzio KIBS has always been committed to the search for innovative and effective languages, confirming its strategic role in the communication of European Funds.
Topics Communication | ESF Programs | Croatia