Sponsored by Lattanzio e Associati and ForumPA, the NuovaPA Consortium is organising an in-depth seminar on "The new public work rules in the Brunetta Reform". The seminar will be held in Rome on Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Brunetta Reform

With its publication in the Official Gazette, the decree implementing the 'Brunetta Reform' (Legislative Decree 150/09) comes into effect. The  Reform modifies the rules of public work in the direction of strengthening the powers and responsibilities of management in driving change.

The most important chapters include: performance measurement tools, the link between productivity and incentives, bargaining reform, and the strengthening of disciplinary tools. The role of management is also reviewed in terms of tools and responsibilities as well as access and career paths.

The seminar lecturers

The initiative will be opened by Cons. Carlo Deodato, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister for Public Administration, who will illustrate the structure of the reform and the terms of application. 

The following lecturers will take part in the seminar:

  • Prof. Pietro Barrera - Director of the Centro Studi Luigi Pianciani, Lecturer University of Rome La Sapienza
  • Prof. Gianfranco D'Alessio - Professor of Administrative Law and Director of the Department of Public Institutions, Economics and Society, University of Roma Tre

Participants will be given a copy of the book "La riforma Brunetta: le nuove regole del lavoro pubblico, Commento organico al decreto legislativo 27 ottobre 2009, n. 150", by Carlo Deodato and Francesco Frettoni. A certificate of attendance will be issued.

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