Lattanzio KIBS wins ‘Santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents(e)s et des jeunes au Benin’ evaluation
Lattanzio KIBS is awarded the evaluation
Lattanzio KIBS was awarded the evaluation covering the 'Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Benin' project, which is part of the 9th cooperation program between the government of Benin and UNFPA for 2019-2023.
The project mainly targeted adolescents and youth aged 10-14, 15-19 and 20-24 who are in school, out of school or not in school, in eleven municipalities corresponding to five health convergence zones of the 9th Benin-UNFPA cooperation program.
The contribution of Lattanzio KIBS
The overall objective of Lattanzio KIBS is to evaluate the implementation of the project through an independent evaluation of the overall results, including the changes made through the different implementation strategies adopted.
The evaluation helped to draw lessons learned, identify best practices and make recommendations to improve and strengthen the dissemination of sex education. This was done by examining the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coordination, coverage and connectivity of the project interventions.
Read more: E-learning courses on health, borders and mobility
Topics Education & Social Policies | Monitoring & Evaluation | Health | Benin | UNFPA