Tuscany Region entrusts Lattanzio KIBS in partnership with Ancitel and TD Group to manage the e learning platform TRIO
Lattanzio KIBS to support e learning and employment guidance.
TRIO is Regione Toscana's e learning platform established in 1998, thanks to funding from the European Social Fund. The name is an acronym: it stands for Technology, Research, Innovation, Orientation. Lattanzio KIBS is in charge of managing the platform under the design, technical and delivery of the courses. The platform is a successful project: it offers more than 1900 free courses, sees more than 530,000 registrations and 91,000 active users.
TRIO project in detail
Specifically, TRIO platform is the most successful case at the European level as a web learning platform provided by a Public Administration. Users of the service are EU citizens, public and private entities that at the end of the chosen course. Also available to users is the service of orientation to the training offer, learning mentoring and help desk.
Topics Communication | Tuscany | TRIO | Elearning