Lattanzio e Associati will hold the training course 'The fight against waste in local authorities' in Milan in May 2005. After the 'Decreto Taglia Spese' towards lean organisation'

Course objectives, speakers and audience

The initiative is spread over two days, 3 and 4 May, and stems from the recent legislative interventions aimed at reducing expenses in local authorities, Financial Law 2005 and Law No. 168 of 30 July 2004.

The training event is geared towards making opportunities explicit and transferring useful strategies to identify areas where value can be concretely recovered while avoiding waste, with the aim of achieving leaner structures and processes

The training course will be held by leading Lattanzio e Associati professionals such as Bruno Susio, Marco Lucchini and Emanuele Barbagallo and is aimed at General Managers, Organisation and Quality Area Managers of Local Authorities.

Read also: Assoconsult's open letter to PM Renzi