New developments on the "Latina also city of sea" project with focus on young people
The City of Latina has entrusted LATTANZIO Monitoring & Evaluation with a plan of integrated interventions under the 'Latina also a city of sea' program with a focus on young people.
The first intervention concerns the study and research phase on youth aspirations and needs, situations of discomfort and deviance, and services aimed at the world of youth.
Through interviews and active involvement in the area, the analytical work makes it possible to direct the action phase on the basis of the results that have emerged through the mapping of all institutions, formal and informal, that deal with young people throughout the area concerned.
The activation of three InformaGiovani desks at municipally owned facilities at strategic points in the Latina area, respectively Latina Centro, Latina Scalo and Borgo Podgora, and the launch of an information portal to meet the needs of young people in the Latina area complete the activity plan.