Once again this year Lattanzio e Associati will be present from 10 to 14 May in Rome at the Forum PA 2004. Many will be the initiatives aimed at the public of innovation-oriented professionals

'Training and Consultancy' Hall 10 - Stand 13°

The Lattanzio e Associati stand will enhance its welcoming capacity. A full programme of meetings and presentations is planned for those interested in our activities as a PA Innovation Agency: research and development laboratories, consultancy, new publications, seminar calendar, training catalogue.

Successful enrolment for the Master's Degree Course Control Systems in PA to be held on 11 May: enrolment closed due to exhaustion of available places.

Congress programming

Lattanzio e Associati speaks at the following conferences:

E - procurement: from pilot examples to widespread practice
Speech title: The new procurement management models in PA: organisational criticalities
Monday 10 May, 9.30 a.m.  

New strategies and new means for political communication as a factor of democracy
Title: The Social Report: from first experiences to consolidation in governance systems
13 May, 9.30 a.m. 

Towards a federal system of controls: the role of local authorities and the Court of Auditors
Speech title: Controls and institutional reform
Friday 14 May, 15.00  

The project for the Civil Service Department

Ezio Lattanzio will participate as a speaker at the conference The Quality of Training for Public Administration. Towards shared standards between the public and private sectors scheduled for Thursday 13 May, 3.00 p.m. with a speech entitled: Programming and Evaluating Training in Public Administrations: the Department of Public Administration Laboratory.