Lot 3 for the management of meetings and technical meetings related to the year of the Italian presidency officially awarded
Lattanzio KIBS has been awarded Lot 3 of the open procedure for the conclusion of framework agreements for the turnkey provision of design, organization, staging and management services for events at the technical level related to Italy's year of presidency of the G20: 20 member countries, representing more than 80 percent of the world's GDP, 75 percent of global trade and 60 percent of the planet's population.
More than 60 meetings and technical meetings are planned, intended for the preparation of the Summit and Ministerial Meetings, and therefore involving staff of ministers, local and national authorities and international delegations.
A prestigious challenge for Lattanzio KIBS, which will put its implementation expertise at service until the administrative closure of the events, enhancing the Delegation's objectives and directing choices always focused on value-added solutions.
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