Introduced to the Republic Senate the national event about longevity
The first italian platform about longevity economy
AGEVITY is the first national Forum dedicated to business-to-business, institutional and citizens comparisons. It is devoted to the developement of a common vision on longevity economy, which enhances policies, innovations, projects, products and services in support of the ‘longennials’.
The initiative, created and promoted by the Silver Economy Network (SEN), with the support of Assolombarda, it has been presented to the Republic Senate, with the intervention of the promoters and Lattanzio KIBS, scientific partner.
The national event at Palazzo Mezzanotte
During the Agevity 2023 event, planned for the 3rd October 2023 in Milan in Palazzo Mezzanotte, it will be presented the first full report of Silver Economy Network, developed with the scientific contribution of Lattanzio KIBS Study Centre, to track down longevity scenarios on a socio-economical level and of the public policies.
The report will share with enterprises and institutions consumer trends and developement perspectives, for some of the most strategic and relevant sectors, based on analyses of our country's long-living population.
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