'Open Data, transparency and access to information' is the title of the event organised by Lattanzio KIBS in Bologna, on 19 October at the Regional Government building
A theme in line with the Region's digital agenda
Open data is a tool to guarantee transparency to public policies and accountability towards citizens and to allow them to fully exercise their right to citizenship. The Emilia-Romagna Region has long been active on the open data front.
Data and Por Fesr: what needs for the Programme site?
The workshop was an important appointment to foster the participation of the main stakeholders in the design of the Open Data section of the Por Fesr website. In fact, the participants' needs in terms of open data, as well as their expectations on the organisation of data in open format on the Por Fesr website were taken into account.
The meeting was moderated by Elisabetta Artioli and included interventions by experts in the field, such as Massimo Fustini, Open Data manager of the Region's digital agenda, and Ettore di Cesare, coordinator of the Open Cohesion project.