Among the most significant recently awarded 100 projects
We have always supported national and international institutions on large-scale projects. We work with the European Commission, the United Nations, the World Bank and the most important development cooperation bodies. Take a look at the profiles of the most relevant projects to find out more about our work.
Topics : Public Administration Reform and Governance X
European Commission - ECHO — European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Improving the delivery and support of humanitarian aid
Comune di Vigevano
Supporting the governance of the strategy
European Investment Bank
Il supporto tecnico all’European Investment Bank
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Methods and Evaluation Tools for Gender Mainstreaming (MES)
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Nucleare | Sogesid SpA
The communication of 'Mettiamoci in RIGA'
Ministero dell'Interno
The evaluation of the National Program of the Internal Security Fund 2014-2020
Apulia Region
Enhancing the agri-food chain and creative industries
Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura (AGEA)
Supporting the audit activities of the EMFF OP
European Commission | Ministry for Public Administration
Supporting Public Administration Reform in Kosovo
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Implementation of the Spatial Development Programme
World Bank | Kinodomi Municipal Council (KMC)
The Metropolitan Development Project in the districts of Dar es Salaam
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