Lattanzio KIBS supports AMIU Genova with a customer satisfaction study addressed to citizens on the services offered by the company

AMIU Genoa is the in-house company of the Municipality of Genoa that covers all services related to the management of the waste cycle and the environment: from street cleaning to differentiated waste collection, from waste treatment to reclamation, and even the management of recycling and final disposal plants. It has initiated a monitoring project aimed at its users and in the Genoese area aimed at improving the quality of its services.

More details 

Lattanzio KIBS supports AMIU Genova in carrying out a Customer Satisfaction study with the aim of understanding the level of satisfaction with the many services offered by the company to its citizens, with a focus on the new waste collection system.

The questionnaire, administered through CATI methodology to a total sample of 2,000 citizens residing in the Municipality of Genoa (and in the 30 Municipalities of the Metropolitan City), verifies the knowledge, the frequency of use of the services offered and the level of user satisfaction, with specifics on strengths and areas for improvement of the service. 

Project Impact 

The study conducted by Lattanzio KIBS allows AMIU Genova to gain greater awareness in terms of knowledge, use and satisfaction with the services offered. The analysis of the data leads to improved performance and consequent optimisation in waste collection and management and urban hygiene in the city of Genoa and surrounding municipalities, providing a precise picture of expectations for improving service quality standards.