The development of small traders' associations in West Africa
Within the framework of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) programme, promoted by the World Bank to foster the development of the trade sector in West Africa, Lattanzio KIBS supervised stakeholder engagement activities through a mapping exercise and subsequent assessment of needs in terms of capacity building.
More details
The three-phase project includes a series of activities dedicated to traders' associations in order to improve their capacity to support small-scale cross-border traders (SSCBT).
Lattanzio KIBS was in charge of the stakeholder mapping activity foreseen in Phase 1 and functional to the subsequent implementation of Phase 2, dedicated to capacity building needs assessment.
The mapping covered nine West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Ghana; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; Senegal; and Togo. Subsequently, the survey was conducted, the results of which were presented at 9 workshops held in each of the countries involved.
Project Pluses
The project contributed to the modernisation of a crucial economic sector for the West African countries involved.
Topics Advisory | Africa | Private sector development
The Project
World BankCountry
West AfricaExpertise
Private Sector Development
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PMI DevelopmentServices