Lattanzio KIBS is commissioned by the Municipality of Venice to provide advisory services to streamline the use of the municipality's resources dedicated to the development and implementation of social policies in the 2021-2027 programming period
The Social Cohesion Directorate of the Municipality of Venice is the reference body for the coordination and implementation of social policies not only at a municipal level, but throughout the Ambito Territoriale Sociale Ven 12. As such, it exercises the function of planning and coordination of social services interventions and other integrated services, active at a local level.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS was commissioned by the City of Venice for technical assistance, coaching and project management aimed at strengthening the organisational structures of the Social Cohesion Department in the planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of interventions in the social sphere financed by European structural funds and national funds.
Specifically, the service offers innovative support to the integrated planning and management of interventions financed by several funds and is divided into several lines of activity. These include support for the design and implementation of funded interventions, support in the financial management, expenditure and reporting of activities, and advice on legal, administrative and accounting matters.
Project Impact
Lattanzio KIBS' intervention enhances the Venice City Council's capacity to promote and implement a city welfare system, both by improving the acquired level of directly managed services and by acting as a regulator of an integrated network of services and benefits.
Topics Advisory | Local development | European funds | Venice | Strategic planning
The Project
Regione VenetoCountry
Local Development
Work Areas
Strategic PlanningServices