Lattanzio KIBS evaluates the Strategy for Exercising the Rights of the Child 2019-2023
On 20 November 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the main global legal instrument defending the rights of children and adolescents, was approved. In 2019, on the occasion of the 30th year since the ratification of the Convention, Montenegro launches the Strategy for Exercising the Rights of the Child 2019-2023: a document to protect, implement and strengthen the conditions for the exercise of the rights of children and adolescents in all areas covered by the Convention in a five-year strategic plan.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS was chosen by UNICEF to assess the effectiveness of the Strategy for Exercising the Rights of the Child 2019-2023 in Montenegro. Among the indicators analysed were the relevance, consistency and sustainability of the practices proposed in the document and any gaps and obstacles that may hinder the full realisation of the objectives, in support of the most vulnerable groups.
Best practices and lessons learned from the programme's most significant interventions were also collected, from which prospective recommendations could be derived to guide the definition of the initiative's priorities for the next five years.
Project Impact
The lack of integration of children's rights into national political, social and economic agendas and widespread marginalisation, particularly of the Roma and Egyptian minorities, make it difficult to implement measures to protect children's rights.
With its contribution, Lattanzio KIBS provides a fundamental basis for the development of the future five-year strategic policy on children's rights, equality and equity. The results of the evaluation enable the actors involved to develop and implement effective actions to reduce specific gaps in the Strategy in order to better meet the needs of children in Montenegro.
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Topics Monitoring & Evaluation | UNICEF | Human Rights | Children Rights | Montenegro
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