Lattanzio KIBS evaluates and monitors activities and initiatives of the Commissioner's Institution to ensure respect for and promotion of human rights for the Council of Europe
The Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent, non-judicial institution established in 1999 by the Council of Europe with the aim of promoting awareness of and respect for human rights in the 46 member states. The Commissioner, elected every six years for a non-renewable term, implements his mandate through dialogue with national authorities, thematic work and awareness-raising activities.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS supports the Council of Europe with an evaluation to examine the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact of the Commissioner's work in promoting human rights.
The evaluation is conducted with a mixed-methodological approach involving data collection in the field but also remotely, through tools such as: desk research, surveys, and interviews with informants of interest.
The activities of the evaluation team include:
- A qualitative benchmarking exercise among three selected organisations: the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights;
- Missions to four selected Member States: Poland and Italy selected for field data collection, Slovenia and the United Kingdom remotely;
- Case studies focusing on the following themes: migration, artificial intelligence, protection of human rights defenders, women's rights and gender equality.
Project Impact
The outcome of the evaluation ensures coherence between the objectives and work of the Human Rights Commissioner's Institution to provide an opportunity to further refine the Commissioner's work, focusing on specific areas of intervention and ensuring that human rights remain at the heart of policies and actions across Europe, as core values for a just and inclusive society.
The Project
Consiglio d'Europa
Human Rights
Work Areas