Lattanzio KIBS cooperates with the European Commission in the evaluation of cohesion policy programmes financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Within the framework of the cohesion policy programmes financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund for the period 2014-2020 of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), Lattanzio KIBS undertakes an evaluation focusing in particular on Work Package 8, a set of activities and initiatives concerning network infrastructures for transport and energy, a focus on climate and climate change mitigation.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS evaluation contributes to providing analytical and methodological tools to improve the impact of Work Package 8 initiatives. The evaluation team analyses the effectiveness of the measures contained in the Package and their added value for the European Union. In addition, key factors determining the outcomes of the Programme's investments in different socio-economic contexts are identified.
Lattanzio KIBS is in charge of reviewing the documentation and investments made in the sector, drafting case studies, carrying out a strategic analysis of the policy mix and stakeholder mapping. Secondly, a seminar will be organised and a final report drafted.
Project Impact
The measures contained in Work Package 8 contribute to reducing the disparities in the presence of infrastructures between the various nations, as well as to fostering the infrastructural growth of less developed European regions. The activities conducted enrich the decision-making framework of the European Commission, contributing to the creation of a comprehensive framework, which is fundamental for the elaboration of specific solutions aimed at infrastructure efficiency.
The Project
Public Administration Reform & Governance
Work Areas
Planning and Control Systems