Lattanzio KIBS collaborates with the World Food Programme in the evaluation of the 2019-2021 Country Strategic Plan to support food assistance in Nigeria
The UN agency World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian organisation committed to saving lives in emergencies and whose food assistance aims to build a path to peace, stability and prosperity for those recovering from conflicts, disasters and the impact of climate change. WFP has been active in Nigeria since 2015, with the aim of progressively strengthening its presence in a country with a strong state of emergency. In 2019, it defines the Country Strategic Plan (CSP) that focuses on building the path to resilience, local capacity building and recovery, with the aim of gradually scaling down humanitarian interventions.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS led the CSP evaluation from the data collection phase to the reporting phase. Data collection was conducted in the country's three northeastern states, Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (the BAY states), epicenter of one of the world's most severe humanitarian crises.
Lattanzio KIBS, in addition, organized a final learning workshop to discuss the findings of the evaluation and its potential implications with stakeholders and staff from the World Food Program and the European Research Group.
Project Impact
The evaluation provides a detailed picture of the use of funds for CSP in Nigeria.
Through the lessons learnt during the collection activity, Lattanzio KIBS defines practices to be adopted during the remaining implementation period and sets standards for future CPS programming in Nigeria, according to criteria of accountability, performance strengthening and strategic learning.
More specifically, engaging with direct project beneficiaries, including internally displaced persons and migrants living in refugee camps, contributes to the informed development of WFP's long-term humanitarian interventions
The Project
WFP- World Food ProgrammeCountry
Agriculture Forestry & Fishery
Human Rights
Work Areas
Food Safety and Food SecurityServices