Evaluation of the UNICEF Country Program for Sudan (2018-2023)
Lattanzio KIBS was awarded the evaluation of the results achieved and strategies pursued by UNICEF through the implementation of the 2018-2023 Country Program (CP) in Sudan. The overall objective of the Project was to assess UNICEF's positioning within the development community and its capacity in ensuring an enabling environment for Sudanese children and vulnerable families.
In detail
All activities planned and/or implemented during 2018-2023 in the five outcome areas and related components of the Program (child survival and development, including health and nutrition, WASH; education and learning; child protection; policy, evidence, and social protection; and program effectiveness), as well as cross-cutting strategies (gender, adolescents and youth, C4D, T4D, SMEs, etc.) were assessed.
Specifically, Lattanzio KIBS through its team of experts provided the services of: overall management (technical, economic and financial) of the evaluation, monitoring and quality control of the results achieved, data collection and analysis, and reporting.
Project Pluses
The evaluation provided UNICEF with recommendations on accountability, learning and perspectives with the aim of guiding future decisions and improving the design of the next Country Program.
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Topics Evaluation | Monitoring & Evaluation | Africa | Human Rights | Children Rights
The Project
UNICEF | SudanCountry
Northeast AfricaExpertise
Human Rights
Work Areas
Children RightsServices