Evaluation of the 2014-2020 Regional Development Programme for the Apulia Region
The project for the Apulia Region includes the in itinere and ex post evaluation of the Regional Development Programme 2014-2020. The objective is to provide the Managing Authority (MA) with the tools to measure the performance of the Regional Development Programme (RDP) and the objectives achieved through the use of result and impact indicators, in order to improve the quality of the Programme.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS has consolidated expertise in the evaluation of development programmes for local authorities. The main activities of the project are to support the Apulia Region:
- Evaluate the existence of a relationship between the programme's objectives and the needs identified by policy makers;
- Analysing and evaluating the overall management structure, developing efficient and effective organisational methods and implementation procedures;
- Ensure the widest possible involvement of all stakeholders;
- Evaluate the implementation, effectiveness and efficiency of the activities carried out under the RDP;
- Disseminating the Programme through communication and dissemination activities.
Project Pluses
Evaluation projects offer an important opportunity for contributing to the formulation of operational proposals to ensure the success of Community programmes. On the whole, the plus of the project for the Apulia Region lies in the possibility to concretely intervene in territorial development through the programming schedule.
The Project
Apulia RegionCountry
Agriculture Forestry & Fishery
Work Areas
Rural DevelopmentServices