Anna Zavaritt | Il Sole 24 Ore

More than 100 ceo's from the most important Italian and international companies are making their time, skills and experience available to train the future leaders through a mentorship programme, Ceo Factory, presented on Tuesday 14 June in Milan.

Ceo Factory is just the latest in a series of innovative projects by GirlsRestart. A network created during the lockdown and animated with passion and tenacity by a group of top managers with the aim of supporting women in the world of work in a period - the pandemic period - that between remote working and home schooling has particularly penalised female professionals. The GirlsRestart community has grown rapidly and now numbers around 5,000 women who are involved in a number of projects with a strong social impact and vocation, as well as having names that are already a whole programme.

Such as 'Dreams out of the drawer', the tailor-made consultancy programme that helps aspiring female entrepreneurs to realise their business idea thanks to the advice of a multi-disciplinary team of managers, from the world of finance to that of digital and marketing, from
communication to sales via legal and real estate. Results? Already 10 dreams have come out of the drawer and realised thanks to pro bono consulting.

But there is also the Consiglio Sospeso (Suspended Advice), an idea born out of the desire to return that precious advice received at a crucial moment and which is now being returned free of charge to support another 'us' who needs a confrontation with those who have more experience and have already lived through some important passages of life. The format? The community organises regular meetings between Givers and Receivers, who are then free to choose the meeting mode (digital or physical), the number of meetings (3 recommended), the duration and frequency of the meetings (total recommended duration 3 months).

Ceo Factory is the latest initiative and the first free mentorship to accompany talented young women to a top management position. Aspiring mentees can apply to start the path in September and be mentored by top managers - strictly balanced by gender - of the calibre of : Barbara Cominelli (CEO JLL and Co-founder of GirlsRestart), Andrea Cipolloni (CEO Autogrill Italy and Europe), Mariangela Marseglia (Amazon Country manager Italy and Spain), Elena Dominique Midolo (CEO ClioMakeUp), Nicola Lanzetta (Director Italy Enel Group and CEO Enel Italia
Spa), Eugenio Sidoli (Max Mara), Veronica Diquattro (Chief Revenue Officer Europe at DAZN), Paola Corna Pellegrini (CEO Allianz Partners and President of AICEO-Associazione Italiana CEO), Simone Del Guerra (CEO Unicredit Factoring), Duccio Vitali (CEO Alkemy), Elisa Pagliarani (General Manager Glovo Italia), Lorenzo Cappannari (CEO AnotheReality) and many others, the GirlsRestart Team, Marina Mele (Leadership Executive Coach), Annachiara Annino and Ezio Lattanzio respectively Partner and Founder of LATTANZIO KIBS.

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