Lattanzio KIBS is supporting the World Food Program for improved food security in Benin under the Country Strategic Plan 2019-23.
With the Country Strategic Plan 2019-2023 (CSP), the Government of Benin with the support of the World Food Programme entrusts a relevant role to the implementation of a program for school food and, more generally, for children's health. Indeed, food insecurity persists in Benin despite significant development in the fight against malnutrition.
More details
Lattanzio KIBS conducted the evaluation on the progress and results of CSP 19-23 from the inception phase through data collection to the reporting phase. The approach of our evaluation team is twofold: on one hand, we focus in analyzing the concretely achieved aspects, and on the other hand the prospective aspects are examined. This empowers the experts to identify lessons learned that are useful in guiding both the remaining period of implementation and future programming of CSP-Benin.
Through the adoption of a theory-based approach, moreover, the team has oriented its work in identifying the rationale behind the World Food Program's support to Benin, with a focus on the long-term vision on development and humanitarian interventions.
Geographically, data collection covered the entire territory of Benin: the municipalities most affected by the floods and those where food assistance response initiatives were implemented in the face of impacts due to COVID-19 were also researched. In addition to the data collected from the capital city of Cotonou, the WFP headquarters and regional office, the involvement of direct beneficiaries was also added.
Finally, the evaluation team organized two learning workshops to discuss with stakeholders the results of the evaluation and its potential implications for future programming.
Project Impact
Among developing countries, Benin achieved one of the highest growth rates in 2022. In this context, the evaluation carried out by Lattanzio KIBS and the transfer of identified good practices improves the effectiveness of WFP initiatives with a decisive impact on the quality of life of children and the overall resilience of this community.
The Project
WFP - World Food ProgrammeCountry
Agriculture Forestry & Fishery
Work Areas
Food SecurityServices