Technical Assistance to the Campania Region for the 2014-2020 ERDF ROP
The assignment for the Campania Region is a technical assistance project for the POR FESR 2014-2020 (Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund).
More details
The specific objective is to assist with continuity and adequate strategic, scientific, methodological and organisational support the Managing Authority of the OP, engaged in the programming, implementation, management, monitoring and control of the ERDF ROP until the closure period (2023). The Technical Assistance service is based on several lines of activity to be implemented as follows:
- Support to the Managing Authority of the OP and to the Office for Joint Programming in the negotiation phase with the European Commission, the Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Department for Cohesion Policies and the other actors involved;
- Support to the Unitary Programming Office for the overall coordination of cohesion funds, aimed at the proper and effective performance of planning and programme control functions;
- Support to the Regional Offices responsible for the implementation of interventions in the areas of Research and Innovation, Innovative Start Up, and Support for the Internationalisation of Enterprises;
- Support in the field of State Aid in verifying the compliance of procedures with EU rules;
- Transversal specialised technical-legal support to the Managing Authority of the OP and to the Central Office for Major Projects in the implementation of procedures and projects;
- Support to the Managing Authority and the relevant offices for the start of the closure procedures of the ROP Campania ERDF 2014 - 2020: this activity will be launched gradually from 2020 until the end of the service, scheduled for 2023.
Project Pluses
The project provided another opportunity for the team of experts to engage with a multichannel service business, thus reinforcing an area of intervention in which Lattanzio KIBS has been at the forefront for years.
Topics Local development | Regional development | Technical Assistance | Por ERDF | Regions | FSE programs
The Project
Campania RegionCountry
Public Administration Reform & Governance
Work Areas
Regional DevelopmentServices