Lattanzio KIBS provides technical assistance to the Lombardy Region within the framework of the first-level control of the Italian partner administrations of the Interreg Italy-Switzerland V-A cooperation programme
The Interreg Italy-Switzerland V-A (Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle D'Aosta and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano) is a cross-border cooperation programme that aims to build development opportunities across national borders for greater youth participation, improved digitalisation and a circular economy; through the creation of small projects that involve civil society more closely
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In particular, the technical assistance activities that Lattanzio KIBS provides concern
- Consulting regarding expenses reported by beneficiaries, the legitimacy of the procedures for the purchase of works, goods and services implemented, Level II control procedures and the management of their outcomes
- Support in the provision, through a digital platform, of training events in the legal field inherent to the preliminary and control activities
- Support for the preparation of a "FAQs" document, updated bimonthly, made available to controllers
Project Impact
Lattanzio KIBS supports the administration to promote innovation and technology transfer in border areas for a smarter, more competitive and connected Europe, to protect the environment and the natural heritage of Alpine and pre-alpine areas, to improve mobility in border territories for a more connected Europe, to promote social inclusion and tourism in the Programme territories, and to improve cooperation governance.
The Project
Regione LombardiaCountry
Public Administration Reform & Governance
Work Areas
Programming and Fund ManagementServices