Lattanzio KIBS assists Regione Autonoma Sardegna in training local governments

As part of the interventions of the Operational Program European Social Fund (OP ESF) Sardinia 2014-2020, Axis 4, Thematic Objective 11, Action 11.3.3, Regione Autonoma Sardegna has launched an innovative project aimed at strengthening professional skills and organizational capacities for the staff of the region's Local Authorities.

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The training, operational coaching, and on-site specialized support service includes a series of participatory training and communication initiatives ranging from in-person workshops to webinars. These events are aimed not only at training course participants, but also at managers, officials, and administrators of Local Authorities.

The areas in which Lattanzio KIBS offers training support are:

  • Programming and Management of Structural Funds to provide tools and skills for effective management of funds
  • Accounting Harmonization in Local Authorities to help them comply with financial regulations
  • Staff training on issues such as transparency, privacy and anti-corruption
  • Specialized training in public procurement to foster collaboration between the regional PA and the private sector

Project Impact

Lattanzio KIBS' training activities contribute to improving the management capacity of Local Authorities, consolidating a sense of institutional ownership and raising levels of knowledge, efficiency and professional competence. Participation in training activities also boosts networking opportunities and the formation of professional collaboration networks among local governments with a view to the economic growth of the region.